Stay Leafy

Plant care service and app design project to keep houseplants healthier and build companionship by offering clinic, community, workshop, hotel, and delivery service

2022. 10 - 2022. 12. (8 weeks)



TEAM (3)


Service Design + Mobile App Design

Research, Project Management, Digital Wireframing, Prototyping

Sohee Kang, Monica Perezagua-Beato,, SeungHyun Rebecca Kim


66% of American households own at least one houseplant and 7 in 10 millennials call themselves plant parents. However, according to an article, an average plant parent has killed 7 houseplants. Also, to keep buying new plants worsens carbon dioxide emissions. 

My solution should enable plant owners to

1) keep their plants healthier, 2) build companionship with plants, and 3) prevent dead plants from going to landfill.



Implement a new service including delivery system to improve people’s daily life experience

Stay Leafy is a plant care service, including a hotel, clinic, workshop, community, and delivery. The service includes in-person experiences and virtual experiences, so connecting these two was the key to the project. I worked as a UX/UI Designer on the project.

I designed all the service diagrams and end-to-end user flow for the mobile platform to help users experience hassle-free plant care service and learn about their plants as their companions.



  • Connect virtual service and physical service for the users’ (plant parents) holistic experience

  • Create a place to view houseplants and plant-related information

  • Help users learn about plants and build companionship with their plants

  • Provide an easy request system according to users’ plant-care needs



Our team had a chance to run an affinity diagram with 11 classmates. We learned people’s concerns and thoughts about plant care and plant delivery before beginning our research.


  • Users can care for their plants if we offered the mobile platform and connected each service as a part of the whole plant care service.

  • Users wouldn’t kill their plants if we reminded users of regular check-ups and learning opportunities.

  • Users would choose a tailored service to their needs and feel less burdened with payment if we connected Disease Archives, AI Diagnosis, Virtual Clinic Sessions, and In-person Clinic Sessions.

  • Users wouldn’t worry about their staycation or hiring strangers inside of their house if we offered hotel & delivery service.


  • How might we simplify the plant care process?

  • How might we help plant parents can dive into in-depth and sustainable plant care learning?

  • How might we connect our physical facilities and mobile platform?


Our team visited 7 plant stores in the Boston area to find out about current plant care service and plant delivery.

What They Offer

  • Plants and plant-care products

  • Plants info sticker/ care card

  • Plant delivery (in-person visit)

  • Return & Refund within a set amount of days

  • Answers to plant-related questions

  • Diagnosis of plant problems through pictures

  • Share in-depth plant care tips

  • Re-potting

  • Treat plant disease

  • Hold group workshops

  • Plant pick-up (delivery)

Points of Opportunity


Mobile applications and websites on current market

What They Offer

  • Plant & Plant care products shopping

  • Plant care schedule and recurring reminders according to cycle

  • Plant identifier

  • Plant care guide

  • AI Diagnosis

  • Plant consultation (vary)

  • Lack of building lasting relationships & loyalty

  • In-person plant care service

  • Community between users

  • Workshops and event sign-ups

Points of Opportunity


Based on the Backward Design (A lesson planning method), the survey questions were created to collect the evidence according to the goal.

Survey Brief

  • Nov 08-10, 2022

  • 23 respondents

  • Open-ended survey questions

Survey Insights & Findings


Based on the previous research and the survey, our team created three personas that will represent our target users’ demographic, plant experience, needs, consumption behavior, and paint points.


Since Stay Leafy is a comprehensive plant care service, we sketched and prototyped the physical facility before designing the platform for communication and information.



Our team ran a design sprint and shared the sketches. We discussed the part to be implemented as a digital wireframe. The selected part is highlighted in yellow.




1.     Explore as many options as you can

Due to the limited timeline of the project, I tried to be a completionist and was afraid of making a failing design. Because of that fear, I was unable to try various experimental designs. If I had a chance to do it again, I would have explored more options through brainstorming and design sketches.

2.    Do more tests after the final design

We interviewed plant shop owners and plant parents during our research process, and we asked some of the participants to evaluate our wireframe prototype. However, we couldn’t recruit the same people to evaluate the final design. If we recruited them to evaluate it again, we would have been able to get more in-depth insights.