Hello there, I’m Sohee!

I am a UX Designer/Product Designer in the Boston Area. I completed my Master's degree in Experience Design at Northeastern University in December 2023.

My primary focus is on creating user-friendly and engaging experiences. I am especially interested in designing for the next billion users, as it ensures that the product/service is affordable, easy to learn, and usable for everyone. I believe that every user is a learner, and every design is a different kind of education. As a designer and strategist, I have a keen eye for detail and the drive to achieve my goals. Combining my teaching background and design skills, I create practical designs that make learning easier and address people's needs.

Teacher Moments

I worked as an elementary school teacher in Korea. The best part of being a teacher is helping students to love learning and see the world with more knowledge. I love the opportunity to spend every day with other enthusiastic teachers too. This teaching experience made me understand many different points of view. Every lesson was an excellent opportunity to test how to deliver the message more easily and effectively to students.

Volunteer Trip to Cambodia

In 2018, I went to Cambodia as an education volunteer, and I was the student leader of our team. We designed science and mathematics lesson plans during the preliminary three months before the trip. Afterward, we went to Cambodia in January 2018 to teach Cambodian students. I learned two important lessons there. Firstly, it is the value of working with others with different majors. Second thing is to empathize and cater to other people’s needs to help them solve their problems. My long-term goal is to visit places where students need help and help them with more fundamental and long-lasting help. I'd like to visit Cambodia again to help students and teachers for a better future with education.